About the Corporate Plan | Resort Municipality of Whistler

3 min read
Whistler Village sign image by Justa Jeskova

strategic planning

The 2023–2026 Resort Municipality of Whistler Strategic Plan outlines Council focus areas. These core areas are identified as vital to the community and are drawn from feedback during the election campaign, existing municipal initiatives and strategic planning discussions. This strategic planning provides the framework for the more detailed Corporate Plan and Annual Report, issued each June.

Corporate Plans

The Resort Municipality of Whistler’s Corporate Plan is the organization’s key strategic planning document.

The Corporate Plan is updated annually in June and provides strategic direction to the organization through goals, strategies and actions, as well as performance and progress measurements. The Corporate Plan also contains the following:

  • The previous year’s Annual Report—financial information including the organization’s audited financial statements and highlights of activities from the previous year, and the Director of Finance’s report;
  • Summary of the current Five-Year Financial Plan.

Corporate “Plan on a Page”—Balanced Scorecard Approach

The Resort Municipality of Whistler’s Corporate Plan is modeled on the Balanced Scorecard Approach—a strategic planning and management system used extensively in business, industry and government to align business activities with the vision and strategy of an organization, to improve internal and external communications, and to monitor organizational performance against strategic goals. The Corporate Plan is presented as a “Plan on a Page,” so it is clear to see how departmental deliverables support corporate focus areas, goals, and the community’s vision.

2022 Corporate Plan and 2021 Annual Report

The 2022 Corporate Plan/ 2021 Annual Report includes the audited annual financial statements for 2021; a report of municipal services and operations; and a statement of municipal objectives and initiatives for 2022, and the measures that will be used to determine progress toward those objectives.

Community Monitoring

The Resort Municipality of Whistler’s community monitoring program tracks progress, informs decision-making and ensures accountability towards our organization’s goals.

For more than a decade, the Resort Municipality of Whistler has been committed to monitoring and reporting on over 90 indicators related to RMOW’s social, economic and environmental performance. Annual performance reporting provides a snapshot of the state of both the community and municipal organization, including indicators which are moving in the desired direction and indicators which are trending away from Whistler’s community vision.

One component of Whistler’s monitoring program is the RMOW’s annual Community Life Survey, which has been conducted since 2006. Benchmarking surveys were also conducted in 2015 and 2017 in five comparable communities.

Find corporate and community performance indicators, which are updated annually, as well as Whistler facts and figures at whistler.ca/monitoring.

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