Icaro Connect, First Psychedelic Marketing and Advertising Company of Its Kind, Officially Launches New Website and Services

3 min read
Marketing and advertising for the psychedelic industry.

Icaro Connect

We are paving the future for psychedelic and entheogenic businesses.

Icaro Connect, the first entheogenic, psychedelics marketing and advertising company, officially launched its updated website and services today – http://www.icaroconnect.com. Based in Austin, Texas, the company has been working with entheogen therapists, psychedelic shamans, dispensaries, labs, clinics, and more. The founders, Clif Haley and Carson Barker, saw the need for psychedelic marketing when the industry was in its infancy, and created the company to assist business growth, client expansion, and sales.

“We’ve been working with cannabis companies for over a decade and have helped them grow from startups to multi-million-dollar operations,” said Haley. “Moving into psychedelic marketing was a natural transition.”

Icaro Connect uses customized services and industry knowledge to navigate clients through their business growth cycle safely and successfully. PCE (Psychedelics Community Engagement), HSO (Holistic Search Optimization) and E²-Commerce (Entheogen E-Commerce) are just a few of the proprietary tools that Icaro Connect created to better assist their clients. Psilocybin, ketamine, cannabis, and other psychedelics-based clinics, therapists, and businesses can all benefit from Icaro Connect’s campaigns.

“When we first ventured into psychedelics marketing, it felt like when we launched the first app marketing company, APPSPIRE.me, in 2009,” said Barker. “It was a new and exciting field, and we created a marketing system for it to follow.”

Icaro Connect has some of the same design and content creation team as APPSPIRE.me and Redwood Creative – both of which have won numerous awards for their PR, video, and graphic design work. However, the team and scope of Icaro Connect focuses strictly on psychedelic and entheogenic marketing, ensuring their clients are growing their business safely through regulations.

“Our services are tailored and streamlined for this industry,” said Haley. “We are paving the future for psychedelic and entheogenic businesses.”

The Icaro Connect team will be present at the MAPS Psychedelic Science 2023 conference in Denver, CO from June 19-23. For more information on Icaro Connect and their services, visit http://www.icaroconnect.com.


“Icaro” is a traditional South American song performed in ayahuasca ceremonies to amplify the experience. That’s what Icaro Connect does for entheogenic and psychedelic businesses. Icaro Connect provides marketing and advertising services to amplify our clients’ messages and connect them with their audiences. Founded by Clif Haley and Carson Barker, owners of Redwood Creative and APPSPIRE.me, Icaro Connect aims to help clients grow sales, community engagement, awareness, clients, and more. Utilizing proprietary services like PCE, HSO, and E²-Commerce, Icaro Connect connects the psychedelics industry with their target audience. For more information, visit icaroconnect.com

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